Learn about Healthy Weight Loss, Overcoming Obesity, and How to Live an Ecstatic Life!
Thousands have been inspired by Philip to improve their lives already, now this information is available to you on this DVD to a sold-out crowd. Philip McCluskey discovered and now shares the secret to overcoming obesity through vibrant eating and living! It begins with rawfood, and it continues with a whole host of ecstatic living tools. Learn how to enjoy exercise, trust your intuition, release your need to control, calm your mind, and re-discover your inner kid-like ability to have FUN. Most importantly learn how to fully love yourself and create the best life EVER!
Through his entire life Philip had tried everything to reverse his morbid obesity, unsuccessfully attempting over 30 diets, and ALMOST going through with gastric bypass surgery. That was until he found the SECRET.
Find out how Philip became half the size he used to be (and twice the man!), dropping over 200lbs, and KEEPING it off. If you are ready to become the sexy, adventurous and glowing person that's waiting inside, you need to watch this! You're WORTH IT.
"After Philip had spoken to a sold out crowd, many of them told me that he was the most authentic, compassionate and loving speaker they'd ever hear. Philip's delivery was fast, funny, tear-jerking, thought provoking and captivating. My customers are already asking me to host him again, and we are still receiving letters of thanks for this life changing night."
- Shazzie, author of Detox Your World
(This event was filmed live in England)
Bio: Philip McCluskey is a raw food expert who motivates hundreds of thousands of people worldwide to become healthier, happier, and fitter by trading in their standard diet for a raw food lifestyle. Philip's journey began in 2006, when, at a morbidly obese 400 pounds, he discovered raw food and shed 215 pounds, gaining vibrant health, energy, and a renewed passion for living.
His story has inspired countless others who have seen him on CBS's The Doctors, have heard him speak at events like the Raw Spirit Festival, or have followed his journey on YouTube and on his website. He is also the author of two published books, including Raw Food, Fast Food.
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Price: $23.97
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