Monday, January 30, 2012

Is Your Food Making You FAT Or Burn MORE Fat?

Today, we have more metabolism-boosting tips from Metabolic Cooking authors Dave Ruel & Karine Losier.

An important factor to consider is whether or not your so-called “healthy” cookbook has a real structure. Too often, cookbooks are just a bunch of recipes thrown together at random – you pick and choose what you feel like eating at that point in the day. 

That is NOT going to make you burn fat faster!

Having a structure is critical if you want to rid yourself of stubborn fat. Metabolic Cooking  includes a quick and easy "Metabolic Nutri-Profile" system for all recipes, so you can see precisely what nutrients you're taking in, which ensures that each meal makes the most of your metabolic rate.

Have you ever followed a diet to a “T” and all of a sudden noticed that you stopped losing fat?

This is called the Metabolic Adaptation Phenomenon. It occurs at that point in your diet when your body knows precisely what it's getting in terms of food and has fully adapted to it. When it reaches this state, your metabolism slows down and fat loss screeches to a halt.

In order to avoid the Metabolic Adaptation Phenomenon, you have to vary your nutrient intake regularly, shocking your body as time goes on. This keeps it guessing and ensures your metabolism stays on high at all times. Having a wide range of fat loss recipes at your fingertips makes avoiding this frustrating condition a breeze!

Now you know the REAL score when it comes to fat loss and dieting! Be sure to watch out for these three sneaky saboteurs next time you make the decision to lose fat! 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Metabolic Cooking Recipe

• 1 scoop Vanilla Iso-Smooth Isolate Protein
• 1 shot of espresso
• ¼ cup of greek yogurt
• Pinch of stevia
• Pinch of cinnamon
• 5 ice cubes

Blend and Enjoy!

Nutritional Facts
(Per Serving)
  • Calories: 169
  • Protein: 35g
  • Carbohydrates: 3g
  • Fat: 1g
Makes 1 serving

To Find Out More - Click Here!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fat Burning Salad Dressing Ingredients

Metabolic Cooking - Here are some more metabolism-boosting tips from Metabolic Cooking authors Dave Ruel & Karine Losier

NINE fat incinerating salad dressing ingredients are:

All Natural Dijon Mustard can actually have a profound effect on metabolism, even at rest, as well as improving overall digestion and nutrient utiliization.

Apple Cider Vinegar aids in weightloss by detoxifying the liver, increasing metabolism, and supressing hunger levels!

White and Red Wine Vinegar have been shown to improve blood sugar levels, reduce insulin, and slow digestion.

And if that wasn't enough, other herbs and spices such as ginger, garlic, lemon, cayenne, basil, parsley, and thyme have all been shown to have significant metabolism-boosting properties as they stimulate your taste buds to boot!

When you learn how to cook with the right ingredients, you can really begin to enjoy both the fat-burning properties and the ultimate flavor of the foods you use to slim your waist.

And that's exactly what Dave and Karine have put together in the Metabolic Cooking series -- more than 250 mouth-watering, fat-annihilating recipes for you to choose from. And of course, they also have many fat burning salad dressing recipe!

Check it out here:
250+ Mouth-watering Metabolic Cooking Recipe