I'm hoping chowing
down on carrots will crunch my appetite.
If you read my last post about my Weight Watchers PointsPlus review, then you know I was considering switching to a different approach to the plan, the Simply Filling Technique.
Well, I got some great advice from readers about the pros and cons of making the switch and I have settled on a compromise:
For the next three weeks I'm going to eat as many of the Power Foods as I possibly can and see how many "other" foods I tend to work in to my day on average. That way, I'll know how many PointsPlus values I would theorically spend without officially switching to the plan. That will tell me how comfortable I would be with not tracking Power Foods (Can I make them the main-stay of my diet?) and using PointsPlus values for everything else (Just how many non-Power Foods do I actually eat in a week?).
So far, the main Power Food that I have been relying on is fruit. Most all of them have zero PointsPlus values and when I feel like a snack, I reach for them.
What I haven't been eating enough of is veggies! One or two servings at most and if I'm honest, often it's one. My goal this week is to eat two servings each day and work my way up. My first method will be to eat either baby carrots or a big veggie-filled salad at lunch every day.
Other Power Foods I plan to pile on my plate include reduced-calorie bread, soup, fat-free yogurt (I have gone from "forcing" myself to eat it daily to actually looking forward to it! Hello, two servings a day!), egg whites and beans. I haven't been eating these types of foods regularly and I know it's time to.
I am interested to see how much these foods help me curb my hunger. I still struggle with feeling overly-hungry at night and here's hoping adding these foods I've been missing out on will do the trick! Next week, my next weigh-in results will be posted. Stay tuned!
Note: Weight Watchers has provided me with free access to the online version of their program, and other tools, for me to complete my review of the new PointsPlus program. I am in no way being compensated by Weight Watchers.
Image: Clipart.com
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