Unless you happen to be one of the lucky few who can eat what they want and stay thin, then you, like me, have probably struggled to keep the pounds off as the years have gone by.
Wouldnt it be amazing if you could cause a permanent change in your biochemistry so that you no longer desired to over eat and consume unhealthy foods?
The answer lies in the behavior core of your body, your subconscious mind. This is the part of you that creates those urges to reach for the rich chocolate cake, the greasy hamburger or the bag of potato chips, even when you know that eating these things is destroying your health.
Ultimate Weight Management Hypnosis.
Reprogram your eating habits at a subconscious level
o Stop your unhealthy cravings dead in their tracks
o Control your appetite so that you consume the perfect amount of food
o Get in touch with your body so that you know exactly what foods you need
o Notice an enhanced flavor in healthy food so you are inclined to eat it frequently
o Boost your energy levels to the maximum...the natural way
o Put your powerful hypnosis session on at night time so you can lose weight while you sleep
o Achieve your ideal weight in the shortest time humanly possible
o Maintain your ideal weight with ease and grace
This product is manufactured on demand using CD-R recordable media. Amazon.com's standard return policy will apply.
Price: $29.95
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