Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Diets for weight loss - how to lose weight safely and naturally
If you dieting for weight loss search may be two main reasons. Are a bit overweight and want to find the best diet for weight loss or have tried so many diets with very little or even no results at all.
And you wondering if there are diets for weight loss or not. And I am with you.As a professional personal fitness trainer I am in constant contact with people asking me the same questions always and always wieder.deshalb I thought that if my clients are so concerned about this topic, you want to know - an Internet seeker - and the answer.
You know that it so many diets that can count on two hands, but people always larger and larger, close with no real solution in sight?
But I can from a professional perspective, having helped over 300 private customers in NYC alone say that there are very simple things you can do to permanently lose weight without dieting.And I mean, not starve yourself, not low-fat diet, low carb diet, eating only soups or drink only weight loss tea or juice diets here.
None of this nonsense diet for weight loss was not and never works.My words and remember dass.Sie know what, print this article come 5 years from now to see if I was correct.
The reason why you have these quick-fix weight loss approaches, not working, einfach.Sie let you to change your body composition where you start, much-needed muscles to verlieren.Alle those muscles are replaced by fat a point, which later difficulties to change your body composition really back to muscles.
Before you go you on a quick diets for weight loss make sure it is treated these points:
1. It will not say how to remove carbohydrates from your diet.
2. The diet will not make crazy to score points or buy pre-packaged foodstuffs.
(3) It will not try to sell you on magic pills where you just pop-in the mouth and lose your love handles by the next morning.
4. The diet will not make to stop eating meat (unless you want).
5. You will not be forced to buy with dieting's own weight loss experts to a coaching.
There you have it.
Once you above weight of loss diet hotspots will recognize one, walk away, and so not even more questions.This type of diet programs will want your money.
And how to do it?
Well, it helps will it in the form of your weight to verlieren.Aber Muskelmasse.Nach the program be back to your eating habits and guess what? yeah! you got it, get back your weight, but because now less have muscles, to eat the FAT) have challenge, go back to verlieren.Dann the weight back on the diet, which, you helped to lose weight and proceeding to a part of the vicious circle making money.
Also tell me you part of one of these systems sind.Und if you are to rise quickly, if your health is more important for you.
You will have at least 3 balanced meals per day, a 20 minute walk around your clock in at least 3 times a week and start lifting weights a bit besser.Die is slowly developing muscles start in few weeks burn more fat, not so weight diet called can loss.
Seeing it is not easy to find good diet for weight loss, but is not difficult, do überhaupt.Alles is the right information and the desire to change your current lifestyle sick too much better erhalten.Sind you ready to do it for yourself?
Board Slánský is a personal fitness consultant with 12 years experience and today a website about safest diets for weight loss runs loss wasting diets reviews so that you not waste your time on weight.
Facing the Holiday Facts

The average American gains one pound each December. That doesn't sound like much, but over the years, those little gains add up. Those who are already overweight may be even more likely to gain weight than others, and they put on an average of four more pounds than those at a healthier weight. Someone who has recently lost weight is at an increased risk to gain holiday weight, too.
How can you keep from becoming one of those statistics? Keep doing what you've been doing: According to the National Weight Control Registry -- a database of information from people who've lost at least 77 pounds -- successful dieters continue to practice weight-loss efforts despite the challenges of the holidays including always eating breakfast, sticking to their exercise schedule and weighing-in regularly.
Here's some help to stay on track: Holiday Habits that Will Help You Maintain Your Weight
Friday, February 25, 2011
Workout: One-On-One Training with Jackie

Price: $14.98
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Banish Baking Binges

Do you find you sample a little to often when playing chef? Stock up on crunchy snacks -- I reach for walnuts, whole-grain crackers and carrots. Munching on them is great for occupying your mouth while you are doing holiday baking to keep you from over-sampling.
Chewing crunchy snacks also helps to relieve stress if you're overwhelmed (Who isn't this time of year?). And, since these foods take longer to chew and digest than sweets, they'll help you feel satisfied longer than those cookies you're whipping up. Take that, taste-testing-temptation calories!
View the original article here
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Green tea benefits: tried and Tested
And you have to wonder: what is it about green tea that obsesses a people?
Scientists have asked this question, and they have put forward a number of interesting materials suitability large green tea benefits:
• Cancer – green tea has been linked to lower rates of cancer in a population-based studies. Scientists suspect that something called ' ' in green tea polyphenols help to prevent the outbreak of cancer of the body.
• Free radicals – this is where the most qualified green tea benefits shine: antioxidants.These little puppies are responsible for keeping your body clean of the effects of free radicals and green tea has a lot of them.
• Weight loss – Yes, you read it right: weight loss. Green tea works to increase fat-burning capability of your organization, while preventing your intestinal piece from the absorption of cholesterol.
• Heart disease – Remember the properties of green tea that helps to prevent the absorption of cholesterol (excess) intestinal line; Less cholesterol also means less likely that your heart will get coated in a thick layer of fat, so the risk of coronary heart disease.
• Diabetes – one of the most important green tea benefits is the ability to control and regulate your body's absorption of sugar; this is especially important for people with diabetes type 1 insulin levels, which is insufficient to control blood sugar.
• Liver-care – another interesting aspect of the benefits of green tea is its ability to clear toxins out of your body.And a specific organ in your body that is responsible for filtering toxins out of your body your liver. Green tea helps clean up your liver from absorbing heavy metals and other things bad your blood through the liver.
• Relaxation – of course, is not only for very light and having a cup of tea green, such as your actual space helps to calm your mind and gather your thoughts is a less obvious but equally useful, green tea benefits.
Of course, no one can blame you if you can be a bit skeptical about the benefits that green tea has all tangible counterfeit medicinal products which are sold in a dark corner. If this is the case, feel free to search for scientific research from around the world about the tea if you look hard, you'll find all the benefits (and more).
And in addition, people have been drinking green tea for thousands of years. This means something that is certainly good, right?
Monday, February 21, 2011
4 Week maximum full diet - weight loss
Not just another food product. This one has a special pull to dieters, it takes just 4 weeks. Great bonuses and a very effective sales letter in more sales pulls without intrusive. Contact me for an e-Mail advertising series to your list.
Check it out!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Lose Weight With NLP
With the vast array of diets on the market these days, you probably feel like you've seen it all.
However, "losing weight with NLP" is likely to be something a little different from the norm.
The original founders of NLP, or Neuro-linguistic Programming, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, claimed that,
NLP would be instrumental in "finding ways to help people have better, fuller and richer lives". They coined the term "Neuro-Linguistic Programming" to denote their belief in a connection between neurological processes ("neuro"), language ("linguistic") and behavioral patterns that have been learned through experience ("programming"), and can be organized to achieve specific goals in life. SourceAnd this book, Lose Weight with NLP, by Lindsey Agness, focuses on changing our relationship with food, so that we can "lose weight effortlessly."
While I am a bit sceptical when it comes to claims like this, having received a copy of the book, I was pleasantly surprised by its approach.
It seems that many of the diet books available these days, leave out an integral part, that is, focusing on our difficult relationships with food, and how to change that. This book covers it pretty well.
Some of the topics covered in the book include, how to stop dieting and start living, understanding your emotions, how to reprogram your brain, and how to banish food cravings.
But, if you're after a specific, step-by-step diet and exercise plan, this book isn't for you. And although is does include a few chapters covering diet and exercise, that isn't the main theme.
This book is all about what you "focus" on, and how this can impact the ability to reach your weight loss goals. According to Agness, by focusing on what you don't what -- "I don't want to be fat" -- you keep getting exactly what you didn't want. I think there is a huge amount of truth in that.
How to Use This Book
To get the most out of Lose Weight With NLP, use it like a workbook. There is a lot of space for writing down your own thoughts and goals, and this will undoubtedly help with becoming more focused.
I certainly wouldn't ascribe to everything in this book, but overall it's a useful guide. You can purchase it from Amazon for $14.
View the original article here
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Decimate Dressing Calories
I might have to eat my words on never being able to find a diet-friendly salad dressing!
In a recent blog post I said I'd rather have a small amount of a regular dressing than any diet dressing because the flavor just isn't up to snuff. When you consider one of my faves is Caesar, it can add up the calories really quickly (78 per tablespoon to be exact!).
Now, eureka ... I have found a dressing that is a dieting "do" without sacrificing flavor.
If you're still hunting that perfect diet-do dressing here's my latest tip: Try Kraft's Caesar Vinaigrette for around half the fat and calories of the regular Caesar dressings. I tried it today and it rocks!
What's your favorite way to cut calories from salads? Post your tips in comments!
Related Reading: Cut Salad Bar Calories
View the original article here
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Elite weight loss package
Passed years research in the world of weight loss solutions and we use all the data we could find this system on device. Very early in our studies, we found, that a special diet was recorded for a particular type of gym routine the way forward.
Check it out!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Vegan and Low-Carb: Nobody Cares About Your Diet
I've been blogging about health and diet for nearly five years. In the beginning, I blogged from a very bias point of view (regrettably), promoting a "guru's" vegan agenda. I'm not vegan, never have been.
Nowadays I blog more objectively. Some Diet-Blog readers would disagree, saying I have a vegetarian agenda. I don't. I'm not even vegetarian. I eat mostly fruits and vegetables, and no meat, poultry, dairy or eggs, but I do eat fish. To be honest, my diet is more Mediterranean than anything else.
In my time spent blogging about diet - which seems like an eternity - I have encountered a lot of different, contrary, and downright radical opinions. When you blog about a vegan lifestyle (as I did for too many years), you get a lot of tree-huggers and hippies who chant, "Down with meat, dairy, and cattle ranchers. Eat more kale! And save the whales!"
What does this lead to? A backlash from the opposite opinion; pro-meat people. In most cases it's the Atkins, low-carb folks. And I've taken my fair share of backlash, especially when I was paid to shill. "You idiot," they scream, "Humans are hunters. We're supposed to only eat meat. The Masai live to a hundred on nothing but blood, guts, and offal. Oh, and screw the whales!"
Here's my point. Vegans and, for the lack of a better term, "low-carbers," represent a very small portion of the population. Both lifestyles are radical and too restrictive for the average American. People like to eat all sorts of things, for better or for worse.
A peeved off vegan or low-carber is like the guy standing in Times Square, screaming into a megaphone, "Sinners, the world is ending. You must repent!" Yeah, he's there, making a fuss, but no one is listening.
Now why do I bring this up? Well, this week, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) released the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and I've already seen it taking heavy criticism from our two radical groups. It has too many grains and not enough beef for the low-carbers, and its not earthy-crunchy, uber-veggie enough for the vegans.
The gist of the new guidelines basically says, "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss." USDA officials are encouraging people to still enjoy their food, but eat in moderation and stick to healthier fare: nutrient-dense foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat milk and dairy, seafood, lean meats and poultry, eggs, beans, and peas, and nuts and seeds. Also, the old standby advice: limit saturated fat, fast food, and refined sugar and sweets. No duh.
But guess what folks - pay attention vegans and low-carbers - those guidelines are the best the government can do, period.
The overwhelming majority of people eat some of this and some of that; which includes meat, grains, fruits, and vegetables. Maybe it's because we're omnivores. But if you choose to be a radical, either vegan or low-carb, go right ahead, just don't expect to lead a "food revolution." Your "revolutionary" diet (usually peddled by some fame-hungry, would-be "health" guru) will never be the norm. National health organizations will never roll out food reform that only advocates fruits and vegetables and no meat, or vise-versa.
Government health agencies have to address the masses, and the masses like meat, dairy, fruits, vegetables, sweets, salt, refined grains, whole grains, fast food, and everything else out there. The USDA is trying to strike a balance, which will hopefully inspire the majority of Americans to eat better.
Nobody cares about a handful of loudmouth vegans and low-carbers. Official diet guidelines will always include all sorts of foods - get over it.
Image credit: wizkid1
View the original article here
Friday, February 11, 2011
Weight Watchers Review: Final January Weigh-In

It's 30 days down on my trial of the new Weight Watchers PointsPlus program. The results of my final weigh-in for January? A total of 7.9 pounds lost! I am quite pleased and I am right on target for the 1 to 2 pounds per week that is recommended as a safe weight-loss rate (and that just happens to be exactly what someone on the Weight Watchers program can expect to lose!).
They say it takes 30 days for anything to become a habit, and here are a few habits that are really helping me to stick with the program:
Are you following the new Weight Watchers program? What habits have you found to be helpful? Post your advice in comments or share your own review here.
Note: Weight Watchers has provided me free access to the online version of their program, as well as other tools so that I can review the new PointsPlus program. I am in no way being compensated by Weight Watchers.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Leslie Sansone: Walk at Home - 5 Day Slim Down - A Mile Each Morning

Price: $14.98
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Kathy Freston's new book Veganist is about "leaning into" the vegan diet. This is a welcome approach after the almost militant coercion from groups like PETA.
Freston is previously known for the book Quantum Wellness - an holistic detox diet that is also vegetarian. Freston now has the backing of Oprah Winfrey, who has challenged all-comers to go vegan for a week.
The Veganist is more than going on a diet, and far more than losing weight. Freston makes a number of "promises" or outcomes that will arise from your choice to go vegan.
Your body will find and maintain its ideal weightYou will lower your risk of health issues such as: cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.You will live longer and better.You will take yourself out of harm's way Here she is addressing the industrialized food machine that makes it easier for bacteria to enter the food chain (think pig and cow factories).You will save money The true cost of animal protein is much higher than what we think it is.You will be helping provide food for the global poorYou will reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment. You will reduce animal sufferingYou will be following the wisdom of great spiritual traditionsYou will evolve and take the world with youThere is a strong case for following a plant-based diet, and as the world continues to over-exploit its resources, the call for vegan-type diets will become louder. We cannot support every person in the world eating a 8 ounce steak every night.
However I struggle with the need for dogma and rigid rules around dieting. I, for example, go fishing. I occasionally catch a fish (and abide by all fishing regulations and limits). I prepare the fish and eat it. Even though I agree with many of the principles of veganism, I will not stop fishing to satisfy the requirements of dietary dogma.
Veganist: Lose Weight, Get Healthy, Change the World by Kathy Freston - Available from Amazon.
Weight Loss 101
Easy ways to keep yourself fit, happy, and healthy throughout the year. More
Learn about diabetes symptoms, what can make a management plan, and what tests you should never skip. More
Saturday, February 5, 2011
"Saturday Smart Swap!": Roll with It
If Cinnabon is your idea of roll-heaven, think twice: A Cinnabon Classic Cinnamon Roll packs in nearly 900 calories! An Au Bon Pain Cinnamon Roll is a smarter choices at 350 calories. Total calorie savings? 463!
Related Reading: Calorie-Smart Food Court Snacks
Friday, February 4, 2011
60% of Women Don't Like Eating in Front of Their Partner
A new survey highlights some revealing statistics about the relationship between women and food.
60% of women in relationships do not feel comfortable eating in front of their partner50% of women in relationships get shy undressing in front of their partner40% of women feel as though they are constantly dieting13% of women choose low-calorie meals instead of what they would actually like when eating outCan we really believe these numbers?
Although featured in Time and the Daily Mail, these numbers seem high. The survey was "carried out for Shapesmart" - according to nutritionist Mary Strugar. Shapesmart is a UK-based weight management program, and Strugar sits on the "Expert Advice Panel". The UKPA mentions that 5,000 people were surveyed - but nowhere can I discover if any of these people had a pre-existing relationship with the diet company.
Reader surveys can be notoriously biased - it's a bit like surveying readers of a gossip magazine if they are obsessed with celebrities -- you are probably going to get a different result to the rest of the population.
Regardless of accuracy - I have no doubt that many women have an unhealthy relationship with food. The reasons for not wanting to eat in front of a partner are unclear - is he critical? Does the woman feel under scrutiny for what she chooses to eat?
Are you comfortable eating in front of your partner?